Bro! Let's Go! Motivation and Engagement in the World Language Classroom

  • 18 Feb 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom



From the presenter: "In my session "Bro! Let's Go!" I'll share ideas, practices, and core concepts to motivate students and foster engagement in the classroom. I'll show real examples of things that I do in my classroom, as well as practices teachers can start implementing immediately in their own environments. I'll share ways that I create engagement without technology, with technology, and how I use AI to help create an environment where all students can find success."

Alexis is a high school Spanish teacher in Wapakoneta, Ohio. She has been teaching for 12 years, 7 of which she has been a #deptof1. Alexis has taught all levels of Spanish, but is currently teaching Spanish I, III, and IV. In 2017, Alexis attended a training on comprehensible input and has been using ADI methods and practices ever since. She is a trained CI Coach, and loves to bring the joy of teaching back to teachers' lives. She loves to find new ways to do routine things, and loves finding moments of joy throughout the school day. Alexis currently serves as the Professional Development Chair for the Ohio Foreign Language Association.

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