(2nd in Series)
This workshop series is designed to give teachers the time to plan assessments and units focused on standards, particularly communication. Teachers will see examples, act as “students,” and be given the opportunity to personalize sample materials and templates for classroom use. This workshop follows the first workshop in the series, "Designing an Integrated Performance Assessment" which is being offered on Saturday, January 30, 2016. Register for both on the Winter Workshop event page at a discounted rate.
Designing a Standards-Based Unit
Saturday, April 2, 2016
This workshop will take theory and put it into practice, and will focus on unit design. Through professional development, you have learned about the ACTFL World Readiness Standards, the ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 learners, the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, the NCSSFL/ACTFL Can-Do Statements, the state curriculum framework, AP themes, and the 21st Century World Language Skills Map. You have included integrated performance assessments in the classroom. In the second session in the series of workshops, we will review the goals of standards documents, take apart a sample unit plan (including the origins of all of its pieces), and then, using sample units, you will have the opportunity to create your own. Please bring any relevant materials such as textbooks or curriculum or technology that you will want to use when writing your plan.
Presented by:
Amanda Robustelli-Price
Education Consultant
RIFLA Best of Conference 2014
Please register by March 28th.
Click here for the event flyer to share.
To Contact RIFLA:
Email: riflainfo@gmail.com
Mailing address: RIFLA, PO Box 95, Foster, RI 02825-1326